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church history

In February of 1962, the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church of Oxford, Florida voted to establish a mission in Ocala. On February 16, 1962, the mission was organized in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C Harper, Sr. located on East Fort King Street in Ocala. Two services were held in the Harper’s home. A building was then rented in the old Camp Roosevelt on South Pine Avenue, and public worship services have been held weekly ever since. 

Reverend L. F. Windham was called as pastor of the Ocala mission on March 25, 1962. In his first Mission Report to our brothers and sisters at Pleasant Grove in March 1962, he reported “We now have 25 members of the mission. These have joined either by Profession of Faith for Baptism, or on promise of letter from other Baptist churches…. attendance for church has been in the forties…the zeal of the members continues to mount; it is a joy for me to work with this mission.” 

In 1963, 2 1/3 acres of land was secured at our present location. Ground was broken for our church building on June 30, 1963 with Brother Marvin Day, Pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Mr. Harold Goforth, Manager of Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan, Dr. R. C. Cumming, Mayor of Ocala, and Brother L. F. Windham turning the first spade of ground for the new building. The contract to build the church was given to J. Miller Stokes, builder and contractor.  Services were held in the new building on the first Sunday of October 1963. A record Sunday School attendance was set that day with 95 in attendance. Revival services with Reverend W. W. Watson began that day as well. We received seven additions during the revival meeting. 

The Lord’s work in the Ocala mission progressed and we were officially organized into a church on April 24, 1964. On September 30,1964, we were granted a Charter by the State of Florida. The first trustees were L. F. Windham, President, L V. Milton, Vice President, R. W. Lewis II, Secretary/Treasurer, Holly Adams, Jack Goins, Jesse C. Harper, Sr. and William A. Neil.  In his final Mission Report to the members of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Brother Windham reported, “Great have been the blessings of the Lord these past two years and two months. Souls have been saved, backsliders have been reclaimed for the Lord, and out of all these blessings there has been a true New Testament Baptist Church established here in the city of Ocala, Florida. Some thought it could not be done, but thank God it has been done and to Him be all the glory… We organized with 48 members and have received one since then, making a total of 49… Everything is looking good for us here. Please continue to pray for us” 

The Pastor and his family moved into the new 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath pastorium that was constructed by Don Pfaff Construction Company in 1965. The first Sunday School wing soon followed in 1966 with Don Pfaff also constructing it.  

On Sunday, July 1, 1979 groundbreaking was held for the new Fellowship Hall. Trustees Wilbur Hatcher, L. V. Milton, G. E. Novinger, L. F. Windham, Holly Adams, W. A. Smith and Jim Reedy turned the first spade of earth to mark the beginning of construction. The fellowship hall was dedicated on March 28,1982 to the memory of Reverend Jesse C. Harper, Sr.  

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